School Beautification Day – TBD

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Green Apple Day of Service LogoDates are TBD…
This year we are thrilled again to expand our traditional beautification day to also be a part of the transformative Green Apple Day of Service.  Your participation is guaranteed to fill you with a sense of pride, satisfaction and camaraderie as parents, students, teachers, staff and friends come together to beautify our Short Avenue campus. Tasks include tree trimming, spreading mulch, planting new gardens, possible wheelbarrow rides, making new friends and enjoying a day in the fresh air. Bring your work gloves, wheelbarrows, clipping shears, shovels, rakes and other garden tools.

This community and family-friendly activity is fun for everyone! Refreshments will be provided. Don’t forget to put on some sunscreen and bring a hat.

This video is from a previous year, the date this year is TBD: